Cool drops I (diameter 9 cm)
Cool drops II (diameter 9cm)
Drops I (diameter 9 cm)
Soft waters I (32x25x5 cm)
Soft waters II (39x25x5 cm)
Splash I (28x23x6 cm)
Splash II (28x23x6 cm)
Splash III (27x26x5 cm)
Swirls I (52x40x8 cm)
Swirls II (48x36x8 cm)
Swirls III (50x36x8 cm)
Refreshing (82x52x40 cm)
Splashing (60x30x11 cm)
Warm shower (61x27x12 cm)
Window to the sea (61x33x7 cm)
The murmur of water I (61x18x9 cm)
The murmur of water II (61x18x9 cm)
Water of the seas, a five part sculpture (104x100x65 cm)
Promice I (21x23x25cm)
Promice II (19x16x20cm)
Promice III (24x24x19cm)
Promice IV (19x16x18cm)
Promice V (24x22x20cm)
When happiness (31x44x27cm)
A blue present (54x34x30 cm)
Knotted (49x39x33 cm)
Mirages I (25x23x25cm)
Mirages II (31x23x28cm)
Sun spotts I (Diameter 9cm)
Sun spotts II (Diameter 9cm)
Red secret (41x25x8cm)
Odd fish (78x42x32cm)
Ode to sunshine (65x40x7cm)
The pulse of the Metropolis IV (Diameter 9cm, Height 11 – 15 cm)
Genie in a pot I (47x32x12 cm)
Genie in a pot II (62x27x16 cm)
Genie in a pot III (55x31x8 cm)
The Shine of a Pot (109x81x13cm)
Genie in a blue pot I (49x23x12 cm)
Genie in a blue pot III (52x24x12 cm)
The glow of a pot (121x81x54 cm)
Restricted view I (37x39x17 cm)
Restricted view II (36x38x18 cm)
Restricted vision I (105x66x6 cm)
Restricted vision II (105x66x6 cm)